Cast Your Net – Part Three
In part three of this net casting I look at the following questions (read parts one and two below. If you want to join me, you can spend 7-15 minutes daily on each question): 7. What new growth opportunities will excite and energize me? 8. What risks am I ready to take? Where am I ready to step into a new unknown territory? 9. What...
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The “Emerald Keys”
Our two new Emerald CDs are now available. “Living On Purpose” and “Stepping Into The Unknown”. To get your CDs visit here. The 10th Emerald Key: “Living on Purpose” In this Key we help you find and articulate your purpose. We take you through a process of discovering your deepest beliefs about yourself. Some people discover their purpose early in life, but most must journey...
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Cast Your Net – Part Two
Here are the next three questions in my October deliberations. If you want to join me, you can start by keeping a journal and spend 7-15 minutes daily on each question. Alternatively you may have a conversation about these questions with a friend: 4. What am I doing that I no longer need to do? What am I ready to stop doing? 5. What do...
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Cast Your Net – Part One
October is almost over and the end of year draws near. Every new year brings in a new flux of opportunities, challenges, energy and growth. Each year, I begin to cast the net for the new year in October. It’s great time to reflect, explore ideas, and deliberate on options. This annual net casting is a process of bringing myself up to date with where...
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Leading From The Inside
Rachel is a bright executive. She moved swiftly up the corporate ladder and was given responsibility for a large division in her company. She relocated and quickly adapted. Yet, for a few months Rachel continued to struggle. She hadn’t been able to communicate effectively with a key manager. He had been a talented manager and she tried a number of approaches but simply couldn’t get...
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“Celebrit(y)-ocracy” Or Celebrating Life That Is The Question
A central theme in the American experiment was striving for liberty and freedom. A vital component of this was the departure from the Monarchy and the Aristocratic society in favor of a Meritocracy. The deeper dimension of this new aspiration was the promise of discovering the royal aspect of human life inside each person’s pursuit of higher expression and opportunity. This journey was in large...
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“Innovation, Not Love Makes the World Go Round”
The Economist special report on innovation: “Something new under the sun” quotes John Dryden of the OECD: “We firmly believe that innovation, not love, makes the world go round.” Dryden makes an important point but misses the bigger point. The bigger point is that the driver of innovation is love and passion. What drives innovation is the love of new ideas and new solutions. It’s...
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Your Most Critical Competency
Remember how excited and energized you were when you headed for your first day in school? Perhaps for you it was the first day of high school or college. Perhaps it was each time you stepped into the class of your favorite physics or philosophy professor. Your favorite teacher had this magical capacity of engaging you and stimulating your learning. It was so fascinating to...
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The Discovery Journey Of K: Episode 3 – The Relationship Dilemma
(The Discovery Journey is dedicated to the young people of the world. To read previous episodes in The Discovery Journey of K visit here) The following morning K wrote in her journal: “I find myself listening more and more to my intuition, and when I act on this inner guidance it brings me great strength and energy that was not accessible before. I am beginning...
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The 3-Legged Stool Of American Supremacy And The Dollar Crisis
The Roman Empire ruled the world by conquering land. It came undone not by an external enemy but because it crumbled from the inside, at its core. The British Empire did not need to conquer land to rule the world. It controlled the sea with its navy and thereby controlled commerce and the world at that time. The beginning of the end of the British...
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