What If You Knew It Will Add 10 Years To Your Life
I was in the studio with Jeff yesterday. We were recording the new and eighth CD in the Emerald Keys series. It’s the best CD so far. The Key we focus on is Stepping Into The Unknown. It’s about taking risks and how critical it is to step into unknown situations if you are to unleash your fullest potential. On this CD I tell stories...
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The KEY: The Busyness Addiction
Hello Leader, The blind spot we will examine today is a rampant problem seen in most corporate offices in the last few years. In fact, it’s an epidemic, a symptom of the times and of the dis-ease of culture and society. Applying this Key helps you build stronger foundation for durable success. Too many managers confuse “urgent” with “important” and mistake “being busy” for “being...
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Billion Millionaires
The recent Futurist, the World Future Society magazine offers 70 forecasts for 2008 and beyond. The first forecast is: The world will have a billion millionaires by 2025. It says that according to James Canton, author of The Extreme Future globalization and technological innovation will drive this increased prosperity. I have not read yet the book but I have a few quick reflections. First, I...
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Leadership & Management – A Greater Whole
Let’s stop grappling with the question about which is more important, a Manager or a Leader. “Leading” and “managing” do not constitute a polarity. They are both important functions that complete each other. You need both. You need to master the greater continuum of management and leadership whether you are a manager by title or not. Like the human body, you cannot do without both...
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The Discovery Journey of K: Episode 2 – Change
(The Discovery Journey is dedicated to the young people of the world. To read previous episodes in The Discovery Journey of K visit here) It was still dark, an hour before sunrise when K got up to do her morning journaling and reflection. She liked to go out into her garden at that time of day as it gave her a sense of peace and...
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New Epoch Big Bang – From DNA To RNA Centric Biology
(Excerpts from writing on June 20th, triggered by the Economist Magazine: Biology Big Bang, June 14th) In 1953 the double helix molecule of the DNA was identified. The secret to life was believed to have been found. It is difficult to overestimate how far reaching and enveloping this belief became in the following decades. It was a paradigm that captured our imagination. We learned to...
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The Law of Resonance Is Fast
I conducted an Emerald Keys Class with a managers group in Guadalajara, Mexico. We played with the ninth Emerald Key: Focus on Solutions, Not on Problems. Half way through the class everyone was doing the Mind Consult exercise in groups of threes. Each person put an issue on the table for the team to generate solutions. One participant put forward the following issue for the...
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The Discovery Journey of K – Episode One: The Four Questions
(The Discovery Journey Category is dedicated to the young people of the world) K and D had been friends for a number of years. Their friendship had grown from their shared experiences. They tended to see the world from a similar viewpoint. At some point K decided to focus on her personal growth. She became involved in a development journey and began to practice introspection...
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Iris: We Move Towards What Is Good
The movie Iris about the life of Iris Murdoch, played by Judi Dench and Kate Winslet, portrays the extraordinary journey of Iris from a vivacious young woman to a highly admired author and her descent into the darkness of Alzheimer’s disease. Here are some words spoken by Iris in the movie: “Every human soul has seen, perhaps even before their birth, pure forms such as...
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