Knights Of The South Bronx
“Knights of the South Bronx” is a transformational story. In every transformational journey there is this first step when someone makes a move. It’s the moment of stepping into the unknown to accept guidance. In the movie Knights of the South Bronx this moment takes place in the park when Jimmie, whose young life is on the precipice, steps up to the chess board to...
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Conversations That Matter: Thanksgiving Message
This was originally published for my 2004 Thanksgiving Message. Let me share a thanksgiving story with you. Last week I visited the Leadership Class of Woodinville High School. My son Edan participates in the class and his teacher, Mr. Vixie, invited me to conduct a self-leadership workshop with this group of young leaders. Ecology is always important, so I came early to arrange the chairs...
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Jeff Bezos Strategy Retreat
Jeff Bezos hopes to “outbook the book” with Kindle – Amazon’s New Wireless Reading Device. If you are involved in the cutting edge of technology and business you would want to watch Bezos conversation with Charlie Rose (posted here below) for the following four reasons: 1. Bezos’ narrative about where we are in the Internet revolution says we are clearly only in its early days....
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Priests & Firefighters – What Do They Have In Common
Questions: What do Priests and Firefighters have in common? Answer: They both deal in matters of higher intervention, and they both rush in where angels fear to tread. Priests try to light a fire in the house and firefighters try to put it out. Well, perhaps. The right answer though is that they both made the top of TIME’s list of the happiest people by...
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32 Benefits Of Coaching
“Coaching is a collaborative process dedicated to help and inspire an individual or team to achieve a desired result.” Here are some of the benefits of coaching I have experienced and witnessed both in being coached and in coaching executives. The coaching process unfolds through discovery, expanded awareness and insight and leads to designing a strategy of action. It is intuitive, energizing, challenging, sometimes painful...
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Why Do People Stop Dreaming?
This post was triggered after reading the Cool Friend interview with Matthew Kelly on Tom Peters! I found Kelly’s reply to the question of why people stop dreaming incomplete and posted a comment. Upon further reflection I found my own comment also incomplete and added the following: “A person without a dream is like a bird without wings”. “Take a man away from his dreams...
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How Does Jeff Immelt, The CEO Of GE, Spend His Time?
Jeff Immelt runs the third largest company in the world, a company that generates revenue of 175 billion dollars (55% of it outside the US). In his interview this week with Charlie Rose, Jeff Immelt responded to the question of how he divides his time in this way: 30% of his time is spent on people – coaching talent, choosing and nurturing the best people....
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The Discovery Journey of K: Episode 4 – Intuition Killers
(The Discovery Journey is dedicated to the young people of the world. To read previous episodes in The Discovery Journey of K visit here). “Why am I often still deaf to the voice of intuition and guidance?” K asked herself one quiet Saturday morning. She had been on her journey for awhile now and had made a few important discoveries. She felt she was progressing...
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High On Value, Low On Ego
Greatness appears in many forms. It’s attractive, it has presence and power. It sharpens your senses and makes you focus. It’s too precious to miss. I experienced such alertness when I interviewed a successful executive this week. Here is what he told me in response to the question: “how were you able to overcome and remediate the ‘blame culture’ you inherited along with many other...
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When To Pray
People most often pray when they need something. This is understandable, we want health mostly when it begins to fail; we want friendship when we are lonely, and money becomes much more important when you don’t have it. But praying from absence is not the most effective way to pray. It is much better to pray for something from within its presence. The best time...
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