The 5 Step Success Strategy For Everything
I am often asked towards the end of a four or five day seminar, “How can I sustain what I have learned here?” Typically this is an indication that the person has found new insights which they want to act on and not lose. The new self-knowledge and insight may consist of a clear set of values, appreciation of personal strengths, a new leadership strategy,...
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A thru Z (A2Z) Blessings
Dear Friend: Here are New Year A thru Z (A2Z) Blessings. I wish you for 2008 all you wish for yourself and more… Please forward this message to friends, family and associates. A – Act Audaciously, Align All Assets Adaptively, and Assimilate Adventurous Achievements… B – Be Bright & Bold, Banish Blame, Be Benevolent, Bring Blooming Benefits, Biography Becomes Biology, Begin Believe Beyond Best… C...
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Share Your Blessings
I was sitting at the best table in the restaurant on the 39th floor. Something special had happened at this week’s seminar and I decided to relax and celebrate the free evening before getting back home in the morning. For five days we had worked hard with a group of 12 executives. They all have had a great experience in this seminar. Each executive had...
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The Dog, the Cat and the Rat
Here is a beautiful greeting sent by my friend Barbara Marx Hubbard:
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Cowboys Herding Cats
Do you feel your life is chaotic? Look at the herding of cats message. It will bring you a smile.
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Beauty For The Human Spirit.
We love beauty. It is a gift from the Gods. Beauty does something special to the human spirit. Here is a beautiful Song Of Creation from Dana Lynne Anderson sent to me by Tom Atlee. And Zeitgeist; the Spirit of the Times from Ginger Gilmour:
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Why 83% Of All New Year’s Resolutions Fail
Here are some of the reasons why 83% of all New Year’s resolutions fail: Habits are stronger than intentions. The resolution was not made with a truly committed action plan. You did not develop a support system to help carry on the resolution through the ebbs and flows of life. The resolution was a reaction to something outside yourself and was not based in new...
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The Manager Tool Kit: Coaching And Mentoring – What’s The Difference?
Mentoring and coaching are two adjacent strategies to develop your capabilities and talents. They each bring a different emphasis and approach but the driving outcome is similar: to improve your ability to succeed in what you hope to accomplish. 1. A mentor is someone who has specific experience in the role or field of knowledge sought after. Mentoring is based on the mentor’s experience and...
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