A Consultant Journal – Lessons From The Field, Part Two
What is the role of a transformational consultant and coach? We help the client to transform and improve their condition. We design a process and create an experience that helps leaders grow and realize their vision. What is the most important competency to do this work? I believe it is the ability to learn – learn-ability. I learn so much from the people I work...
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Passionate Storytelling!
This story by Ben Dunlap tells of a Passionate Life that will move you to tears. It’s the power of his irresistible inspiration about courage and greatness that Dunlap communicates so evocatively. It is the belief that human beings are fundamentally good, that there is an insatiable curiosity and a desire to learn, and an irrepressible need to know and grow, and the inextinguishable drive...
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The Culture Factor of Trust
Learning something unique from the participants who attend my seminars is the best part of the work I do. I get to see and experience the world through their eyes. In my recent seminar in Chapala, Mexico we explored the Three Pillars of Trust. This is a powerful module in which we unlock the anatomy of Trust and translate it into practical and pragmatic behavior....
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How To Travel Jet Lag Free And The Power Of Conditioning
Traveling can be tough, especially when your energy state and clarity of mind are vital keys to the success of your intended engagement. I just got back from Taipei, Taiwan. Several people had warned me about the jet lag I would face on the return journey. Well, I was tired for a day but had no jetlag at all. The 16 hour door to door...
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Courage, Beauty, Transcendence
Greatness is found in embracing our limitations and then transcending them. This is what defines courage and where beauty is to be found. This amazing dance is inspirational in that it shows each of us that we have the ability to not only overcome our limitations but lift others up by our example. © Aviv Shahar
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The Lives Of Others
The best movies tell stories of transformation. Years ago I was captivated by The Last Emperor. The inner journey of a man who had been born into one reality, that of being brought up in the Forbidden City to be the next Emperor, and his gradual transformation as reality changes and he becomes a prisoner. We see him at the end of the movie as...
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Taipei Trip – A Cameo Collection
1. I meet the first EVA airline representative and she makes me smile. I board the plane and the flight attendants each welcome me with a smile, one by one. It’s my first trip across the Pacific. I decide to pay attention to the insights that turn up. I sense that the desire to delight customers has a unique expression and depth in the Chinese...
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A Consultant Journal – Lessons From The Field
Most of my client engagements are intensive sessions of three to four days. We create strategy summits, leadership and talent development programs and business transformation retreats. The creative component is in the unique customized experience we create to address the needs of the particular management team. Executives often think that three or four days is asking a lot, that they don’t have the time or...
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The Art of Leading Through Coaching And How Jordan Learned to Resist the “Let Me Fix It” Reflex
Jordan is a young manager. From the start, he has been very effective in solving problems and was quickly promoted to a management position and responsibility. His approach to solving problems has always been aggressive. Show him a problem and he is all over it. Jordan takes great pride in fixing problems. When he walks into a room, Jordan enjoys hearing people say, “Mr. Fixer...
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The Lake Is Back
(My mother wrote to me that this blog is becoming too sophisticated that it’s a struggle for her to read it. My guess is that she meant she cannot feel me or my thought process in what she reads here. Mother, this post is for you!) We are back in Real de Chapala near Guadalajara, Mexico to teach the Keys2Greatness seminar. Coming here from Seattle...
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