The KEY: What Is Your Confabulated Duck?
Dear Leader, This Key is about what I learned from an embarrassing moment. It is about a trap we may fall into when strategizing, communicating and making investment decisions. In fact it is a trap you may fall into daily in any aspect of your life. It’s called the trap of confabulation. Confabulation is the ability, or even the tendency of the brain to make...
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Rituals – What Are They For?
You create rituals to help you stay focused on what’s important and to remind you of your intentions and values. Rituals help to bring forward alertness about a decision you made and direct you into action. © Aviv Shahar
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The Ducks Of Fort Pierce
Here are the ducks I write about in our upcoming newsletter The KEY. They brought forward an important insight. They are special ducks. © Aviv Shahar
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Innovation Workshop With Columbus
After returning from discovering America Columbus was honored in a series of celebrations. At one such party he was criticized by a gentleman who said: “What’s the big deal, anyone sailing west could have found America”. Columbus went and fetched a cooked egg and challenged all those present to balance the egg on its sharp end. One after the other they tried but they all...
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Mentoring Best Practices – Part Two
Mentoring can be a powerful and rewarding experience for both the mentee and the mentor. Here are some further best practices to help you make the most of your mentoring relationships. Best Practices for Mentors: 1. Take a genuine interest in your mentee’s progress and development. 2. Establish two-way open communication. 3. Utilize active listening (L4) skills. 4. Make yourself available for questions. 5. Build...
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“Who Are We?”
Jill Bolte Taylor’s stroke of insight is an amazing testimony about the Left and Right Brain hemispheres, about a scientific passion to serve, about recover-ability driven by the human spirit and about “Who are We?” The miracle of Taylor’s story is first in how she was able to stay totally curious in a middle of a stroke episode, revealing that her fascination with brain function...
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Are You the Corpus Callosum Of Your Organization?
The corpus callosum is the largest bundle of nerves in the human body. It connects the two halves of your brain. It helps the right and the left hemispheres of the brain to communicate and coordinate their activity. As with your brain so is the case with your organization. Certain parts represent and are more inclined to “left brain” functions and other parts are by...
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Mentoring Best Practices – Part One
For Managers participating in our Top Talent, High Potential and Leadership Development Programs that include a Mentoring Engagement. Here are Mentoring Best Practices to help you make the most of your mentoring relationships. Further discussion about the difference between mentoring and coaching can be found here. What is Mentoring? Mentoring is: 1. Transferring relevant experience to help the mentee succeed. 2. Working in an informal...
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How To Travel Jet Lag Free – The “SLOW” and the “FAST” Systems
To apply my “Jet lag free travel” strategy, understand that we humans have two energy systems. One system is slow in nature. The other is fast. The fast system handles new impressions, quick and unpredictable twists and turns and the instant responses you are required to produce. In your house you have the patterns of your life, which include how you get up in the...
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