Earth Is Speaking Through Its People
You can hear a variety of voices that speak through people. Our Find Your Voice seminars provide opportunities to witness and learn more about this. The exciting part is when people begin to find their own voice. Every once in a while a discernable pattern shows up. When it does, it can be powerful and exhilarating to recognize it. That is what happened in our...
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Discover The Universe
The impulse to look at the stars and to study the universe – this ancient quest to unlock these mysteries is ultimately a deep curiosity about life and its origin and about us, humans. “Man and woman are made in the image of God”. Hence the idea, that to study the human we study the universe. I am reminded of this impulse, watching Roy Gould...
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Your Engagement Benchmark
Time Magazine article, The Rage to Engage, says that “Engagement is an amorphous concept, but as anyone who ever worked on a team can tell you, it’s critical—the unengaged undermine—even if it’s tough to pin down.” At the end of a recent “Blue Belt Top Talent” program we gathered with the management team for lunch. People exchanged impressions about their experience and learning and there...
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The Seven Lucks
The 1st luck is to be healthy and able. The 2nd luck is to have food on your table and a roof over your head; to not suffer cold and deprivation. The 3rd luck is to be able to work, to be productive and to add value. The 4th luck is to enjoy companionship and love, to know you are not alone. The 5th luck...
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“Opportunity Is Always Knocking” – A Conversation with Alan Weiss
I have recently interviewed Alan Weiss for his Thought Leader series. Here are a few golden nuggets Alan framed in this robust conversation: Strategy and serendipity: I asked Alan, how do you come up with your best ideas? “Strategy is about being agile and nimble and light enough on your feet to take advantage of serendipity. If you look at the tried and true inventors...
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Resilience Or Perfection?
This post is dedicated to Jeremy a true Software champion. Who do you want on your team? Which of these two kinds of individuals is more essential for your success? A person who never makes a mistake or someone who is able to recover fast from a mistake? Yes, if we’re talking about a brain surgeon or a structural engineer please give us a meticulous...
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Get The Innovation Edge – Lessons From Google’s Problem
Eric Schmidt, Google’s CEO, admits in his interview with Business Week that Goggle’s obstacle in continuing to innovate is – “that we have people in multiple sites. It’s a problem that everybody faces, but we’re going to face it bad. We have, like, 50 locations.” Why would multiple locations be a problem? It is more than time zone differences. Schmidt explains the spirit of innovation:...
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Coaching Dialogue: Red Lights On Your Dashboard
Here is a coaching dialogue excerpt that happened this week. P called and we started our conversation. It went like this: Me: How are you? P: Not so good today. I feel I am trying too hard to help too many people. I don’t feel too well. I am actually quite exhausted. M: On a scale of one to ten, where ten is feeling absolutely...
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The Greatest Act Of Generosity
Your living presence is the most precious thing you have. Take it away and you take life itself away. All the things you own won’t mean a thing when you are gone. What then is the greatest act of generosity? It is offering your presence, unreservedly. Giving your mindful presence to another human being is the most precious gift you can give. Offering your full...
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Do You Know Yourself?
On a recent flight the woman sitting next to my wife was telling her about her daughter. The daughter had finished seven years of study to become a chiropractor. After completing her studies and graduating she decided she did not want to practice. She discovered she doesn’t like touching other people. It took seven years to find out that she doesn’t like touching people. This...
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