Do You See Constellations Where Others See Stars – The Kaleidoscoping Art
Excerpt from the Fourth Emerald Key: Radical growth – the Learn-ability leverage Kaleidoscoping is the practice and capacity to recognize relationships and patterns. You practice active inquiry that seeks to understand the core principles that are the basis of all systems. Kaleidoscoping is the ability to compare and correlate seemingly unrelated fields and apply concepts from one to the other. For example, using the terminology...
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Why I Disagree With Marshal Goldsmith
I agree with 93% of what Marshal Goldsmith tells us in his “Advice for the young that transcends age” in BusinessWeek. I agree that in an era of uncertainty, we all need to think like entrepreneurs. Second I agree that it is tough out there, and it’s only going to get tougher. Third I agree that you better forget about security. And fourth I agree...
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Olympics Moments
The first two Olympic Moments I remember were Bob Beamon’s long jump at the Mexico City Olympics and Lasse Viren’s 10K run at the Munich Olympics. Beamon excelled so far beyond the world record (8.90 M) that it seemed unbelievable, as though, for a moment, he had defied gravity. It would take 23 years before his record was matched. Viren had fallen earlier in the...
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The Future Of Medicine
Watch this Charlie Rose discussion with Dean Ornish, George Church and David Agus. My response: The bigger news in recent genetic breakthroughs is not that you will be able to know your medical future, but the knowledge that you have the power to determine which part of your genetics get expressed. This is the important stuff! 60 years ago with the development of antibiotics, medicine...
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Developing Leaders
The greatest leadership act in the world is growing and developing new leaders and then empowering and releasing them to lead. Leadership development and the management training field have seen many formulas: ‘the 5 steps…’; ‘the six ways…’; ‘the seven, the nine and the twelve of something else’. All these frameworks are good, and they all carry wisdom and powerful teaching, but there are two...
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Update Yourself
Today is 08.08.08. It is Sara’s birthday. Thank you for being here. This is a good day for a UY celebration. What’s a UY celebration? UY stands for Update Yourself. I feel like updating myself today. The beauty of a UY celebration is that you can choose to have it any day of the year. It doesn’t have to be a national holiday. You can...
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Are You Looking For A Spiritual Experience?
You get up, go to work, you manage your way forward, you lead and you follow. You persuade and agree, and overcome challenges, you create solutions, and you hope for a good day. This is it. Stop looking for a spiritual experience. This is what you came here for. You are here to discover what you need to learn. You are here to influence, be...
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The Three Decision Points
Every important decision has to be made three times. If you act on an important decision without a complete journey through the three yeses, your decision and action may not be as intact and strong as it can be. Let’s take the buying of your house for example. First you had the instinctive ‘yes, I like this house’, on your first visit. This first decision...
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