The KEY: The Lethal Jackpot
This KEY can save your life. It saved mine. As a young fighter pilot I read with keen interest the investigation reports of accidents. I figured it was going to help me stay alive. Pilots who were better than I, with more experience and whom I admired crashed. I was scared. It made me ask: “What is the anatomy of accidents? Can I learn something...
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Innovation – The Third Engine
“Economists and business leaders across the political spectrum are slowly coming to an agreement: Innovation is the best—and maybe the only—way the U.S. can get out of its economic hole.” tells us Business Week In “Can America Invent Its Way Back?” . It then asserts that “innovation has fallen short of its promise in recent years”. We believe we know why. In our work with...
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The Subtle Work Of A Transformational Coach
What is the subtle, at times invisible work of a transformational coach and consultant? 1. To learn from the client (the team) about their talent and potential. Especially to learn about the potential that the client is unaware of or is unable to access. 2. To hold for the client their best strengths. 3. To bring fresh perspective, a new question and a new way...
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Never Run Empty
Never run to the bottom of the tank. It is the most dangerous thing that you can do. When you use yourself to the very last drop of energy and willingness, you start using up a precious energy that was not meant to be used. The last drop of energy is a crucial safety reservoir to be retained for self maintenance, to fuel your recovery...
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Spray Falls
Mowich Lake: Mount Rainier: Spray Falls: Mount Rainier: Mountain Meadows: Mowich Lake: © Aviv Shahar
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Tough Times Bring Opportunities
Good times present great opportunities. Tough times present a great many opportunities too. How do you approach challenging times? What opportunities do you find in tough times? Here are ten things you can do in tough times: 1. Learn new skills. 2. Take time to explore ideas, places and possibilities that looked impossible previously. 3. Stay well, fit and healthy. Discipline yourself to engage regularly...
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Yellowstone Fire On Wall Street?
The three Ds—the three legged stool of the prosperity economics since WWII—were: the Dollar, the Debt economy and the Drive of entrepreneurialism. 1. The Dollar offered a stable monitory framework. Its universal reserve currency status based on the Bretton Woods agreement and the belief that “the dollar was as good as gold” made for monetary stability. 2. The Debt driven economy produced a framework in...
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Presidential Reptilian Shock
You are much more than your reptilian brain! In the course of evolution, the human brain developed the limbic and then the cerebral cortex to support the complex functions of analysis, appreciative evaluation and feelings, and all that the human mind can reach for and understand from art to science, from relationship to religion and more. Why do the candidates insist on talking to our...
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The KEY: Mindsets For Tough Times
What’s the most important mindset you need to have when facing tough times? There is plenty of doom talk all around. The economy, oil, war, financial meltdown, GM, Fannie and Freddy – you name it. The good news is the world is not coming to an end tomorrow. But abrupt changes are underway. These changes bring with them challenges filled with opportunities. How do you...
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