The KEY: Extraordinary Encounters At 32,000+
This KEY is about two extraordinary encounters. It’s my way of encouraging you to spend quality time, have meaningful conversations and give thanks this Thanksgiving. Being raised in Israel, Thanksgiving was not part of my upbringing. We discovered and made this giving of thanks a family tradition when we came to the US. Whether you live in the US and celebrate Thanksgiving or not, you...
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Your Greatest Asset
What is your greatest asset? Who holds the key to your organization’s future? It was a late Friday when the phone rang. I recognized the voice immediately. We had worked with Pete earlier in the year. Pete enjoyed our collaboration, it delivered exceptional results and helped his team coalesce and accelerate growth. He was a diligent and successful executive, known for getting things done and...
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How is your Lemonade?
In a leadership summit we facilitated last week, a Chinese speaking bright strategist and a highly competent executive from Taiwan reminded us that in Chinese, the written character that speaks of danger and risk also contains the character of opportunity. We were all reminded by his observation that when life dishes out lemons you are there to make the best lemonade in town. Here is...
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The Value Of A Strategy Summit
What Executives say about the experience and value of a Strategy Summit… Roger Bhalla Tom Mitchell Carol Hess-Nickels David Conrad Jonathan Kaye Melissa Bargainer Matt Wagner © Aviv Shahar
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The ATP Power
Beware Of Despair – A Coaching Brief The true meaning of despair is separation from purpose—the sense that you are unable to realize your mission – that there is no way for you to engage in your life affirming purpose. Two roads cross the juncture of despair. One leads into fatigue, depression and apathy; the other leads to awakening and renewal. The first diminishes the...
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Souls On Deck – A Brief
Here are a few gems (compiled in brief format) spoken by the people present in our recent Souls On Deck circle – a group of pioneering practitioners, poets, space makers, agents and catalysts of emergence and healing: “History gets in the way of our aspirations and possibilities.” Questions from Dale Nienow to reflect on to help us move into presence here and now: What do...
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Model Implementation – Four Phases
If your passion is to help leaders realize their brilliance, consulting is a great profession. What’s the difference between a subject matter expert and a process expert? The first needs to impress the client with what they know. The second needs to help the client impress themselves with their own latent knowledge by helping the client access and realize it. The fun part of getting...
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Where Do You Start – Life Strategies
Here are three ways to begin—three starting strategies. 1. Fly to the easiest spot 2. Face the toughest part head-on 3. Chunk the whale into parts The first strategy is best applied when you face a new domain or task that may seem difficult at first. This strategy is useful in the following cases: 1. Crossword puzzles 2. Exams 3. Networking a room full of...
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Are You Generating Value?
In good times and in tough times, the surest and safest tactic is to become the best value generator you can be. Here are ten things you can do to generate and bring great value to your stakeholders. Be clear about the most important – the vital things. Identify the key people you serve. Learn their concerns, needs and issues. Don’t let not knowing inhibit...
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Your Worst Enemy
Your worst enemy is thinking that you don’t matter, that there is nothing you can do that makes a difference. This thought shuts off your mind and suffocates your soul. Thinking your life doesn’t have meaning or that you don’t mean anything is when something begins to die in you. Here is the truth. Everything you do matters. Everything you cause to happen matters. Everything...
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