Reclaim Your Can-Do Power
Intention is an energy deposit. Agreement is an energy investment. To reclaim and build your can-do power and energy levels apply the *KUA* criteria to intentions and agreements. KUA stands for Keep / Update / Absolve: Keep it – act on the intention; deliver on the agreement. Update it – realign/ adjust the intention; renegotiate the agreement. Absolve it – let go / cancel the...
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A Memorable Life
An A to Z reflections and strategies for living a memorable life: A. You are here to transform the world. To bring light to darkness. B. To be memorable you must live a memorable life. C. To create a memorable life, you have to apply wisely your most precious assets – your time, your energy, your focus and your talent. D. Make your purpose your...
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Found In The Crowd
Here is my reply to David Brooks “Lost In The Crowd” commentary on Gladwell’s “Outliers.” Your results and success is an output of unique multiplication combination of the following elements: Elements largely “not in your control”: 1. Your gene pool 2. Your family and upbringing 3. Your social environment 4. Important figures / influencers in early life (teacher, neighbors, relatives) 5. Pivotal events that left...
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The Co-Creational Act – Releasing Hidden Light
A Solstice Post – an excerpt from the writing: God, The Universe Embryo. When I look up at the night sky and see the bright stars engulfed by darkness it brings to mind the majestic human story down here on Earth. This is a powerful contemplation that takes me from the here-and-now inside light itself… to then travel all the way back into the core...
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The Vitality Secret
“I Am Not Aware I Am 100 Years Old” says composer Elliot Carter in his conversation with Charlie Rose on his birthday. Carter’s 100th birthday was celebrated with the NY Symphony playing his new work, Interventions for Piano and Orchestra. What is the secret of extraordinary vitality and creativity? What keeps him going at 100 years old? Carter gets up every morning ready for the...
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What Chris Can Teach Us About The Anatomy Of Compassion
Chris was a good engineer. He was one of a dozen engineers on his team to answer service calls. Methodical and thorough, Chris was well respected by his team members. Still, he was not the star type. Quiet, a little shy, never seeking center stage, Chris’s focus was on the task at hand. One day his team took ownership of a new service contract. JD...
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From Breakdown To Breakthrough
Breakdowns herald breakthroughs. Breakdowns lead to breakthroughs. What was is no more. Companies that were strong and stable are faltering and failing. Political, economic and social structures are collapsing. Every day brings new headlines. You wake up to find out that the world has changed. In the darkness you begin to see the stars. These are signs of transition; of big systemic transformation, an epoch...
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Kaleidoscoping & Doing Your Shadow Work
Kaleidoscoping is a pattern recognition exercise. You seek to decipher the meta-process at play. You endeavor to discover the archetypal nature of what’s moving through the systems you are observing. Here is a kaleidoscoping exercise (written originally during October 2008). The process zooms into one field and looks to identify a pattern and recognize its potential in other fields. What is the significance of the...
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How Do You Use Belief?
Here are some of the ways belief continues to evolve through the ages: Ancient world: “I believe what I do not understand. I believe what frightens me.” Post ancient world: “I believe my belief will save me from what frightens me.” Modern world: “I believe only in what I see and touch.” Post modern world: “I believe in nothing.” New Age: “I believe in what...
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