Anatomy Of Enrollment
Following my post on the movie Man On Wire, Josh asked: “How did he get such commitment and effort from his friends to assist him in this task, in fulfilling his dream? Even those who could not speak his language…” What Josh is really asking about is the anatomy of enrollment – what is the process of engaging, enticing and enrolling others to join and...
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A Four Year Old Wisdom
Here is a story I heard today from my sister in law about her grandson: Four years old: mother, I love you like the whole world. Mother: I love you like all the stars. Four years old: But mother, if we start competing in love, love will run away… And I thought wisdom was something you gathered through life and experience…
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Capture Creativity
To generate lots of creative ideas you must develop the practice of capturing your creativity. Change, transformation, innovation begin with capturing the idea and then putting it to work. 1. Listen to your ideas. Develop a practice of paying attention to new thoughts, ideas, questions. New ideas turn up anywhere, any time. Creative ideas turn up when I run, when I swim, in the shower, just...
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Stepping Into The Unknown-The 11th Emerald Key
Excerpt from the CD – Stepping Into The Unknown When you were born, you entered this world not knowing failure. The concept of failure did not exist. All you cared about was discovering and exploring everything around you. This joyful impulse to live with your senses wide open to discover the opportunities of living is the experience we are seeking in this key. Reflect on...
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Living On Purpose – The 10th Emerald Key
Excerpt from the CD – Living On Purpose Personal effectiveness is an action that gets results aligned with your intentions, values and purpose. It is the place where your impact matches your intent. In this Key we help you find and articulate your purpose. We take you through a step by step process to discover your deepest beliefs about yourself and articulate your life affirming...
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The Future Is Here
Abraham Lincoln is known to have said that “the best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time.” That was true back then. Now, the future arrives one tsunami after another, continuously, without a pause. You are immersed in the future now. Your job is more than just to cope with it. You are trying to decipher and understand...
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Are You In Limbo?
Limbo: (Clause 4) an intermediate place or state; a state of uncertainty Let’s see, what is in limbo right now…? For a start, the global financial system is in limbo. The economy and many corporations feel they are in limbo. If you lost your job and are looking for new one, you are in limbo. The stock market is in limbo – in between two...
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Bigger Solution Needs A Bigger Person
Excerpt from the Emerald CD – Focus On Solutions Not On problems The word solution has another meaning in the connotation of Chemistry. It’s the opposite of fixed, solid, rigid and unyielding. To solve, means to turn a substance from hard or coagulated into a fluid, moving state. To solve is to un-fix. To fix something is to make it static; to solve is to...
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CEO Coaching – Managing For Results
As a CEO, an executive and a leader, you must realize that the three most precious assets you have are your time, your energy, and your focus. You must direct these to what matters most for the success of your business. It’s time for “back to basics” management. To lead you must be transformational. Participation is not leadership. Make output and results the focal point....
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The KEY: Your Spiderman
The Key is about your uncelebrated Spiderman and Spiderwoman-the person that came to your rescue just when you needed. We wish you all good things for 2009! You and I would not be where we are without our Spiderman or Spiderwoman. We all need help. We all needed someone to stretch out an arm. To give us opportunity. To show us it can be done....
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