Jeff Immelt’s Top Lessons
The top lessons Jeff Immelt says he learned over the last year are: 1. Be incredibly open 2. Be an aggressive listener 3. Develop a business model that works in the worst case scenario Immelt’s top goals for America in the next decade: 1. Energy security by 2020 2. Be net exporter within a decade 3. Renewal of American leadership Watch the conversation with Charlie...
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To Be Free Use The Exclude – Include Discipline
Do you go with the flow or do you follow structure? What do you include and what do you exclude? Depending on the nature and focus of your endeavor, a different discipline may be required. Take an honest look at your life: what would help you increase effectiveness and creativity? Do you need more structure? Do you need greater freedom? To run the 100 meter...
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We Are 20 Percent Up
“We are 20 percent up on last year at this time” said Michael the manager at the gym where I exercise when I asked how his business was doing. “What’s the secret” I asked. I always look for anecdotal evidence. It often brings new insights. Here is what Michael said: First, because people are not spending on a new car or vacations, they invest in...
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ASTD Published The Consultant 3.0 Manifesto
The American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) published in its Consulting Newsletter the Consultant 3.0 Manifesto by Aviv Shahar. Listen to The Consultant 3.0: How to Thrive in Consulting in a Scary, Brave New World podcast: “Who cares about having too many toys in your sandbox? Develop your core services and continue to expand to new fields. Let the market teach you what it...
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Coaching In The Crucible Of Change & The Chrysalis Moment
“I feel stuck,” Maria said. “I know I need to re-invent and renew myself but I don’t know how. It’s as though I do not have energy to move forward, to create a new next step. I feel like I’m walking under water. It’s heavy and it’s not clear.” As a CEO Coach I am often called to address phases in the client’s life where...
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Polarity Mastership
The better it is, the worse it becomes. The worse it gets, the greater the opportunity. The more complex it is, the simpler the thinking must be. The simpler it seems, the greater sophistication is required. The faster it shape-shifts, the slower you must be to decipher its code. The slower you get the more you accelerate your perception speed and the greater the power....
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Bounce Forward
Discover the two natures of resilience. Listen to the complete Breakthrough Mindsets for Tough Times seminar and the Five Elements of Resilience here. © Aviv Shahar
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The Most Powerful Prayer
The most powerful prayer in the world is the action of what you hope to cause. Your action becomes the conduit of realization to the object of your prayer. Find here more about when to pray. © Aviv Shahar
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The KEY: Dear Ms. CEO – A CEO Coach Letter
Apologies: I messed up. Our last KEY was titled Mr. CEO and I failed to say Ms. CEO. Here it is reproduced with Ms. CEO Dear Mr./Ms. CEO: Coaching CEOs is like getting a front seat to a good thriller. As a CEO coach, I facilitate and help realize an exciting vision. What I see from this front seat today is that you are called...
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Resilience is the ability to bounce back, pick yourself up and go on. It is the power to self-heal, renew and to always be taking the next step forward. It is in reconnecting to the line of your life and endeavor, joining it where it has moved to now, not where you left it last. Resilience has the quality of robustness; it is the capacity...
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