Aspen Images
On a recent visit to Aspen I reflected on Aspen as a lesson in renewal. Aspen 1.0: Silver mining and production (1880-1892). After the Panic of 1893 and its economic collapse Aspen mines were closed and thousands of miners were put out of work. Aspen 2.0: Ski Resort. The Aspen Skiing Corporation was founded in 1946 and the town quickly became a well-known resort, hosting...
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One Year Later – Three Lessons
The email below came this morning from the Davis Waldorf School Administrator, Kelly Brewer. It brought home three lessons: Lesson One: never underestimate the power of a small dedicated group of people to turn the seemingly impossible into actuality. Lesson Two: you never know what the impact of your work today may make possible in a year. Lesson Three: transformational breakthrough is always nearby, inside....
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Creativity Unleashed
Our next teleconference: Creativity Unleashed – You don’t have to be a Mozart to compose music or Steve Jobs to create breakthrough innovation is on Friday September 17th. We will start promptly at 2:00 p.m. EDT (11am PDT) and will run approximately 60 minutes. You can us join here What will we cover: What is creativity? Where does creativity come from? Put yourself in situations...
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Climbing Mount Rainier
Edan and his friend Dan redefined “good planning” – they ascended Mount Rainier and put on white shirts and ties for a memorable summit shot.
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The KEY – Seven Summer Springboards
Too many people grind through life, vacillating from procrastination to recalcitrance. Too many people surrender to the corrupting belief that they are powerless and choose to live in resignation of the opportunity and the charge of being co-creators of their world. In this KEY, I’d like to share with you Seven Springboards that can help you reboot and find your next opportunities. Read the KEY...
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