Unleash Your Creativity
How can you unleash your creativity? You’ve got to put yourself in situations where creativity can be unleashed in you. Listen to this second excerpt from our class on creativity. © Aviv Shahar
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To Lead Is To Create
You don’t have to be a Michelangelo, a Mozart, a Picasso or a Hemingway before you can believe you are creative. To create is to lead. To lead is to create possibilities. Enjoy an excerpt from our class: Creativity Unleashed. © Aviv Shahar
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The KEY: Should The CEO Apologize?
The CEO behaves in a demeaning way towards his team. He realizes there is a problem and he wants to make a change. What’s the place of apology in such situations? In this KEY, you will discover why only a few apologies work and most don’t, and the kind of apology that can help transform your engagement. Apologies do not work because most people are...
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