Shanghai leadership workshop
The rewards of working with bright and passionate teams are manifold and the thrill of satisfaction in witnessing the team coming together with energy and excitement about the future they are creating is great. Our work is to help remove the blockages that hold them back, liberate their ideas and talent and help align on a shared vision and strategy. Miracles can be real. They...
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What is collective brilliance?
Collective brilliance is on the opposite end of collective stupidity. Some of the spectacular disasters we’ve seen were caused by a group of very smart people delivering collective stupidity. But when a team enters the collaboration zone, they are able to unleash not just an “addition” but a “multiplication” of their creative capacity. Imagine such creative force multiplier working towards a shared vision.
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Create Your Narrative
“What’s the best way to excite my team to charge forward?” The young entrepreneur asking the question started a new project. He wanted to help students prepare for the ISEE Test. You can check it out at He felt he needed to focus his team’s attention and create enthusiasm about the opportunity ahead. The business started to pull in cash, and he recognized he...
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