The Three Mindsets & Your Biggest Choice Ever
[spp-player url="" social="false"]In this episode, Aviv analyzes the three major mindsets and pinpoints how they influence our leadership abilities. These include the mindsets of ‘what’s wrong,’ ‘what works,’ and ‘what matters.’ In identifying these mindsets, Aviv suggests that the second and third mindsets provide a path to multiple blessings and positive energy. They empower us to participate in shaping and creating our own future. Aviv speaks to the pivotal nature of choosing to take personal responsibility. He suggests that the most important choice we can make is to let go of the preoccupation of ‘what’s wrong’ in favor of focusing on ‘what works.’ Finally, Aviv provides seven steps we all can implement in order to abandon the first mindset and apply the second and third mindsets to enrich our lives.

Leverage Data and The Power of Your Team with Joe Antons – Episode 69
[spp-player url="" social="false"]In this episode, Aviv and Joe expound on the evolution of Silicon Valley from a metadata to a meta-analysis perspective. They dissect the three levels of consciousness in the workplace, which include the structure focus, work focus, and value focus. Among these, value focus is the most critical as it is defined by employees who see themselves through the value they contribute to the organization. Joe shares the two lessons that have been the most beneficial to his career, including leveraging the collective power of teams and understanding client and customer needs.