Collective Intelligence #1 – Listening Level 5
[spp-player url="" social="false"]Aviv has been fascinated with the complex nature of the learning process ever since he enlisted in the Israeli Air Force and began his training as a fighter pilot. In this episode, Aviv introduces the first episode in his Collective Intelligence series. Specifically, he focuses on the art of listening by analyzing the five listening levels and expounding on the progression that occurs as you evolve from level to level. Aviv then shifts his focus to listening in business settings and reveals an additional dimension of listening. Finally, Aviv shares personal insights into recent discoveries he has made about his own journey.

A Leader with Presence with Jeff Gallinat – Episode 79
[spp-player url="" social="false"]In this episode, Aviv and Jeff expound on the global aspect of Jeff’s role, including the decision to move his family to China for a number of years in order to take on a new challenge. This is one particular aspect of Jeff’s role that he enjoys the most as he finds the diversity of minds and culture fascinating as well as the ability to integrate that diversity across functions, partners and businesses within his industry. Jeff shares his ideas on curiosity, leadership, and confronting fear in the corporate workplace. Jeff speaks to the tremendous amount of value he places on hard work and accountability. Finally, Jeff touches on his process for constructing a successful team.