My 2020 Epiphany and How to Overcome the Blind Spot of Success
[spp-player url="" social="false"]The year 2020 has brought much pain, loss and uncertainty to so many individuals, entrepreneurs and businesses. Covid-19 has left an undeniable mark on the socioeconomic landscape of our society. In this episode, Aviv reflects on an epiphany he recently had in the wake of this challenging time and chronicles how he was able to overcome a major blind spot of success. He breaks down, in thoughtful detail, nine design principles that have served him well. It is Aviv’s sincerest hope that they can have the same impact on your lives.

Trust the Journey with Kelly Waldher – Episode 95
[spp-player url="" social="false"]In this episode, Aviv and Kelly explore Kelly’s wealth of experience working for large software platform companies such as Microsoft and Google. Kelly analyzes and breaks down his personal three-legged stool of success: working with the right people, building a great product and making a lasting impact. Finally, Kelly reflects on the lessons he’s learned throughout his career and speculates on future technology trends.