The KEY: The Future of Work

The difference between market leadership and chapter 11 is the ability to attract and retain the best people. With rapid change accelerating, leaders must develop practical strategies to recruit, develop and collaboratively engage five generations in the workplace. This has never happened before, so coalescing these generations at work in the dynamic environment ahead presents extraordinary opportunities and challenges.  Companies that are not prepared to...

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The Global Business Context: A Davos CEO Panel

Here are key themes from the Davos panel about the strategic, organizational and operational issues that are reshaping how businesses operate worldwide. The CEOs on the panel included: • John T. Chambers, Cisco • Thomas Enders, Airbus • Klaus Kleinfeld, Alcoa • Duncan Niederauer, NYSE Euronext • Ferit F. Sahenk, Dogus Group • Patricia A. Woertz, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) • Hans-Paul Bürkner, The Boston...

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The KEY:Top 5 for 2012

The top lesson I propose you take forward into 2012 is to be surprised by nothing. Always expect the best and believe in possibilities, but be prepared for any eventuality, wild card and setback. Anything and everything you assume is stable and safe may not be. Look at the world with new eyes. In the next five years there will be very few institutions and...

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Panama City, Panama

My immersion and acclimatization to Panama City, Panama is through rhythm and is immediate. The Taxi driver who drives me from the airport to the hotel taps the rhythm of the music his radio plays. This is a short work visit and I ask him to take me directly to the Canal. We tour the city and the Panama Canal and we both tap the...

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The KEY: Your Biggest Choice Ever

We are entering the most critical period of our lives. This coming decade is perhaps the most crucial time of all times. Immense struggles everywhere indicate that Planet Earth and Humanity as a whole are experiencing a transformative change. The promise of this change is a birthing into a new time. We are all called to take a stand, to choose in small and big...

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The KEY: Your Accelerating Universe

The 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics is the inspiration for this KEY.  Humans have struggled to embrace new paradigms about the world and about themselves from the beginning of time. We are now living through such a disruptive period where breakdowns and breakthroughs converge into confusing and chaotic change. But amidst dysfunction and impossibility, profound breakthroughs and system upgrades are possible. Man’s view of the...

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The Jet d’Eau is located at the point where Lake Geneva empties into the Rhone River. It pumps five hundred liters of water per second, jetted to an altitude of 229 feet. The water leaves the nozzle at a speed of 200 km/h (124 mph). The St. Pierre Cathedral begun under Arducius de Faucigny, the prince-bishop of the Diocese of Geneva, in the 12th century...

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The KEY: Cast Your Net

Are you fully present to lead the opportunities in front of you? You must separate the essentials from the noise. Are you fully engaged in your growth opportunities right here, right now? Every season and every New Year brings in a flux of growth opportunities and challenges, and energy to address both. Each year, I begin to cast the net for the New Year in...

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Casting Your Net

Our upcoming KEY, titled Cast Your Net explores the three speeds of the mind and invites you to use October, November and December to reflect on learning and focus on opportunities. Here are a series of questions I use in my cast-up process which you can adopt and customize to your needs. I encourage you to copy these to a working document or print them...

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