The KEY: The Leadership Challenge – The Accountability Heart

Why do some ideas and intentions get realized while others do not? Why do specific communications deliver results and other communications get stalled half way? As a leader, you are in the business of getting results. Leadership is about facing the world as it is and opening a way forward to create and realize what is yet to be. This KEY explores the heart of...

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Prioritizing Your Priorities Teleconference – Friday July 9th

Join us for our upcoming teleconference. Click here to find out about the teleconference series + a special gift. If you prefer to join only this class send me an email! What will we cover on Friday? Priorities are situational. When everything is a priority, nothing is a priority. Do not be fooled by what masquerade itself as a priority. Know what to prioritize and...

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The KEY: Four Things A Leader Must Do

You are a leader not because of your title. You are a leader because you help the people you work with. To thrive as a leader you have to do and be four things. You have to be: Informational, Motivational, Inspirational and Transformational. Read the KEY here. Listen to the podcast here: © Aviv Shahar

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Overcoming Procrastination – Best Practices

In our recent teleconference: Smart Goals & Wise Aims we covered the following topics: Creating first-hand experiences, goals and aims. Five strategies to overcoming procrastination. Aligning the short and long terms. Coupling SMART Goals with WISE Aims. Creating whole person goals and aims. Adjusting your financial thermostat to increase your income. Access here the complete series. Listen below to the first two strategies to overcoming...

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Rituals – Directing Your Orchestra

The human is a bit like an orchestra. There are many parts, each playing its own score. Your brain needs its food and plays its musical score. Your stomach wants its food and plays a different musical score. Your emotions have multiple voices like the orchestra has oboes, clarinets, trumpets and trombones. But that is not all. You have a body, a mind, and a...

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The KEY: Thrive in the New Normal – Part II

In a recent KEY we shared with you the first five commandments to Thriving in times of uncertainty. This month we bring you the second set of five commandments to help you turn the New Normal into a radical opportunity for growth and development. The financial recovery is uneven and uncertain. Encouraging signs are mixed with nervous doubts and fear. Will the DOW test the...

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