The Spiral of Growth – If You Are not Growing You Are Dying

Are you growing? The spiral of learning and development works in each of the Four Ways to grow. The mechanics are situational and unique, but the anatomy is similar: A. You learn a new skill, gain a new insight – because you decided to do it, because you needed to, or wanted to accomplish something. B. You then apply the new skill, put the insight...

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Closing The Capacity Gap

You do not bridge the capacity gap by trying to solve deficiencies. Values-based behavior is how you grow inside out. The tree is not a solution for itself – it enables the fruits. The fruit is not an answer to satisfy itself – it is the distribution mechanism of the tree. You get results by focusing on process. You improve the process by deepening the...

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The Ten Rules Of Champions and Effective Leaders Podcast

I would like you to win twice! I’d like to send you the MP3 recording of our recent tele-seminar filled with practical strategies and the ten rules practiced by innovators, transformational leaders and champions. The seminar includes my story of becoming a long-distance running champion, defying the doctor who said I should not run. Please send me an email (avivconsulting @ saying, “add me...

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HER CEO Breakdown

“Why Do Big Name leaders and CEOs Mess Up?” was the question I was asked at a recent leadership seminar. The seminar focused on the energy zones of leadership and the leader’s assets. “Why do so many known leaders and CEOs mess up their health or end up with ethical or relationship breakdowns?” the executive asked. H.E.R breakdowns (breakdowns in Health, Ethics & Relationships) are...

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Tele-seminar: The 10 Rules of The MVP (Most Valuable Player)

This rare tele-seminar is on Friday, July 10th at 2:00 p.m. EST. Even if you cannot make the live event you will want to listen to the MP3 recording to extract the MVP strategies and practices. Here are the topics we will cover: 1. The story of becoming a champion. 2. The five traps that hold talented people back from becoming top players. 3. Your...

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The KEY: Four Ways To Grow

What do Vienna and the Silicon Valley have in common? What do Rembrandt and Warren Buffet have in common? In this KEY we answer these questions plus another one posted on our blog – a truly $64,000 question – one of the biggest questions of all times: How does one grow oneself? We explore the four ways you can grow and offer six questions to...

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Jeff Immelt’s Top Lessons

The top lessons Jeff Immelt says he learned over the last year are: 1. Be incredibly open 2. Be an aggressive listener 3. Develop a business model that works in the worst case scenario Immelt’s top goals for America in the next decade: 1. Energy security by 2020 2. Be net exporter within a decade 3. Renewal of American leadership Watch the conversation with Charlie...

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To Be Free Use The Exclude – Include Discipline

Do you go with the flow or do you follow structure? What do you include and what do you exclude? Depending on the nature and focus of your endeavor, a different discipline may be required. Take an honest look at your life: what would help you increase effectiveness and creativity? Do you need more structure? Do you need greater freedom? To run the 100 meter...

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