Creating Slow Fast Deep Work

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Have you been as provocative in your future explorations as you can? Today, Aviv reflects on this question and recalls the story of a three-day virtual workshop that inspired this discussion on creating slow, fast, deep work. In this episode, Aviv expounds on the Zone of Deep Work and outlines best practices that can be applied to create slow, fast, deep work. He provides examples of how the teams he worked with throughout this workshop produced three new compelling prototypes of the future and describes why this was such a game-changer. Finally, Aviv provides advice on how to imagine and bring to life a daringly novel future.

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The Five Meditations – Part 3

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Meditative practices have helped guide Aviv through challenging events in his life. By developing these practices, Aviv hopes that listeners can discover the profound impact of these techniques and experience the many blessings and new doors of possibilities that can open for them as a result.
In this Part Three, Aviv addresses the fourth and fifth meditative practices that have helped him navigate both his personal and professional experiences. Aviv expounds on the power of prayer, repetition of affirmations and contemplative inquiries and showcases how he’s integrated these techniques in his everyday life.

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The Most Difficult Feat in the World

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Last month, Aviv dove into the Window of Opportunity concept and explained that how you respond to those windows determines your capacity to lead and shape outcomes. Today, this episode brings into focus a complementary idea that has helped some of Aviv’s clients unlock the awesome potential of their opportunities. Aviv poses the reflection question, ‘What is the most difficult feat in the world,’ and provides three key elements that must be present in order to accomplish these feats. By adapting and applying this idea, you will bring an advantageous urgency to your efforts.

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The Window of Opportunity Updated

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Historians likely will look at 2020 as the year that initiated a multi-decade long transformation. As the effects of the global pandemic continue to be felt, many wonder when life will return to pre-pandemic ‘normal.’ However, most people recognize that there is no ‘back-to-normal’ path. Instead, there are opportunities to shape and create a new and thriving normalcy. In this episode, Aviv revisits the Window of Opportunity concept and urges listeners to consider the opportunities that are in front of them. Aviv expounds on the three components of the Opportunity Window Arc and speaks to what capabilities must be cultivated to respond in full when a window of opportunity opens.

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The Lethal Jackpot Updated

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Consider three ‘edge of the envelope’ scenarios: A Black Swan, A Perfect Storm and A Lethal Jackpot. A Black Swan is an unpredictable event that unleashes severe consequences. A Perfect Storm occurs when a rare combination of circumstances drastically and negatively aggravates an event. What is a Lethal Jackpot? It’s a convergence pattern of several conditions and irregularities that together develop into an inescapable, devastating consequence. In this episode, Aviv opens up about this surprising discovery and how it became a game-changer that saved his life on several occasions. Aviv provides best practices for identifying these Lethal Jackpot scenarios, both in life and business, in order to actively step in to stop these patterns of irregularities and risk.

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Resilient Self-Authorship

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Personal and organizational resilience and anti-fragile readiness have been a feature of many of Aviv’s senior leadership strategy workshops over the last decade. In this episode, Aviv outlines the five elements and capacities of resilient self-authorship. Aviv reflects on the concept of personal sovereignty as well as the reasons that organizations encourage and, in some cases, even require their members to have high levels of personal resilience. Finally, Aviv provides an evaluation tool you can utilize to reflect on your own personal resilient self-authorship.

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Objectives & Key Results (OKR) Leadership with Doug Gray

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With a Ph.D. in organizational leadership, Dr. Doug Gray specializes in outcome-based leader development. As CEO of Action Learning Associates, Dr. Gray has worked with over ten thousand leaders in almost every business category and market. His latest book, Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Leadership, was written to help clients apply what works in the best companies in Silicon Valley. Dr. Gray is also a former adventure racer. In this episode, Doug and Aviv share a deep and meaningful conversation about the value of practicing Objectives and Key Results Leadership as individuals, small businesses and large corporations. They address the conundrum of why people are both aspirational and yet confused simultaneously. Finally, Dr. Gray speaks to the importance of positive psychology and always striving to be extraordinary.

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Leadership Development – The Fifth Approach

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In this episode, Aviv analyzes the four generally recognized paths to leadership development and proposes a fifth approach. This approach was fashioned initially during a conversation with one of Aviv’s clients when they were five months into their trusted advisory work. Aviv reflects on this collaboration and delves deep into the four leadership development approaches, from skills and situations to outcomes and qualities. It is Aviv’s sincerest hope that you can unleash your potential by integrating these four modalities to create the fifth approach to leadership development.

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The Practice of Gratitude with Kerry Wekelo

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In this episode, Aviv and Kerry explore the concepts of Culture Infusion and Gratitude Infusion. They delve deep into the importance of self-awareness, honesty, and empathy within organizations. Finally, Aviv and Kerry share best practices on how individuals and businesses can practice gratitude to foster personal and professional growth.

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The Five Meditations – Part 2

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In this Part Two, Aviv addresses the third meditative practice that has helped him navigate challenging and creative experiences. This practice, known as Exterior Printing, is one that can provide you with strength, healing, resolve power, forgiveness, well-being and connection to purpose.

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