The KEY – The Regeneration of America
Hope about the future was always the central character of the American story. America was shaped by the “aspiration business” and the “future business.” But many in the US and around the world question now the future of America. In this KEY I propose the three propulsions that will regenerate America and shape the powers that will gain ascendency and leadership in the coming decades....
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Jeff Immelt’s Top Lessons
The top lessons Jeff Immelt says he learned over the last year are: 1. Be incredibly open 2. Be an aggressive listener 3. Develop a business model that works in the worst case scenario Immelt’s top goals for America in the next decade: 1. Energy security by 2020 2. Be net exporter within a decade 3. Renewal of American leadership Watch the conversation with Charlie...
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Yellowstone Fire On Wall Street?
The three Ds—the three legged stool of the prosperity economics since WWII—were: the Dollar, the Debt economy and the Drive of entrepreneurialism. 1. The Dollar offered a stable monitory framework. Its universal reserve currency status based on the Bretton Woods agreement and the belief that “the dollar was as good as gold” made for monetary stability. 2. The Debt driven economy produced a framework in...
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Presidential Reptilian Shock
You are much more than your reptilian brain! In the course of evolution, the human brain developed the limbic and then the cerebral cortex to support the complex functions of analysis, appreciative evaluation and feelings, and all that the human mind can reach for and understand from art to science, from relationship to religion and more. Why do the candidates insist on talking to our...
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Olympics Moments
The first two Olympic Moments I remember were Bob Beamon’s long jump at the Mexico City Olympics and Lasse Viren’s 10K run at the Munich Olympics. Beamon excelled so far beyond the world record (8.90 M) that it seemed unbelievable, as though, for a moment, he had defied gravity. It would take 23 years before his record was matched. Viren had fallen earlier in the...
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“Celebrit(y)-ocracy” Or Celebrating Life That Is The Question
A central theme in the American experiment was striving for liberty and freedom. A vital component of this was the departure from the Monarchy and the Aristocratic society in favor of a Meritocracy. The deeper dimension of this new aspiration was the promise of discovering the royal aspect of human life inside each person’s pursuit of higher expression and opportunity. This journey was in large...
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The 3-Legged Stool Of American Supremacy And The Dollar Crisis
The Roman Empire ruled the world by conquering land. It came undone not by an external enemy but because it crumbled from the inside, at its core. The British Empire did not need to conquer land to rule the world. It controlled the sea with its navy and thereby controlled commerce and the world at that time. The beginning of the end of the British...
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