Conversation, Leadership, and My New Book: Read the Full Interview at The Huffington Post
Good ideas ought to be shared. And if it is a good idea, it will travel far and fast. For that reason I have recently begun to take interviews with individuals who have inquired about transformative leadership strategies, and the interviews are beginning to trickle out now. You may have seen an article last week in Forbes in which I shared my thoughts on conversation frameworks, talked...
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My FORBES interview on leadership, conversation, and dynamic companies
Many of you know that I have invested a lot of time and thought into my recent book, Create New Futures: How Leaders Produce Breakthroughs and Transform the World Through Conversation. This book distills many of my hard won lessons in leadership, business, and relationships into what I hope is an engaging read. While I have not seen the need for a much hyped book tour (I...
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Great Coaching Is Asking Great Questions
“Great coaching is asking great questions,” I said to Carol. Carol did not hesitate but immediately replied with a good question: “How do you learn to ask good questions?” Here is my reply to Carol: 1. Get interested. Really interested. 2. Write down the questions. Don’t just hold them in your thoughts; frame them in writing. 3. Start a little book of questions, to capture...
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Share Your Blessings
I was sitting at the best table in the restaurant on the 39th floor. Something special had happened at this week’s seminar and I decided to relax and celebrate the free evening before getting back home in the morning. For five days we had worked hard with a group of 12 executives. They all have had a great experience in this seminar. Each executive had...
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Conversations That Matter: Thanksgiving Message
This was originally published for my 2004 Thanksgiving Message. Let me share a thanksgiving story with you. Last week I visited the Leadership Class of Woodinville High School. My son Edan participates in the class and his teacher, Mr. Vixie, invited me to conduct a self-leadership workshop with this group of young leaders. Ecology is always important, so I came early to arrange the chairs...
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