Choose Three Words
Here we go… the world did not end on 12/21/2012, and a new birth of possibilities is in front of us all. The human story is one of resilience. If I had to choose one word to characterize the human spirit, it would be resilience. I am in the business of learning and co-creating the future. Every year, at the end of December I challenge...
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Separate Three Kinds of Anxiety
You need to separate the three kinds of anxiety that exist in people and that you encounter when you meet with them: Situational anxiety occurs when you face a challenge you are not sure how to handle. Chronic anxiety occurs as a result of an ongoing condition that you cannot resolve or reverse and which can bring unpredictable consequences out of your control. Existential anxiety...
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Casting Your Net
Our upcoming KEY, titled Cast Your Net explores the three speeds of the mind and invites you to use October, November and December to reflect on learning and focus on opportunities. Here are a series of questions I use in my cast-up process which you can adopt and customize to your needs. I encourage you to copy these to a working document or print them...
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What Are You Here For?
Participants in our seminars tell us that these are the most memorable and empowering experiences they have ever had because of the clear sense of purpose they find during the event. Each manager peels their own onion to find purpose and to discover the words that hold its meaning and essence. The journey to discover purpose includes a series of steps and explorations. Reflecting on...
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Are You A Meg Ryan Or A Meryl Streep?
Before I make my point, let me say, I like both of them. I like Meryl Streep and I like Meg Ryan. Each is beautiful and great in her own unique way. The point is that each represents an archetype. Meg Ryan is the same person regardless of the character she plays. Meryl Streep is distinctly unique and different in each character she plays. Meg...
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Life Is About Choices
You make choices all the time. This winter my experience has been very different from previous winters. Why? Because of choices we made. For the last two months we have been working out of Southern Florida. Woodinville, our home near Seattle experienced six unusual waves of snow fall and colder days than normal. Not much of a global warming there. But we were down here...
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What Wakes You Up?
What wakes you up? Is it the alarm clock? Or are you awaken by the task you have taken, by the mission you serve, by a dream you are here to realize? Do you wake up by an opportunity or by fear? Remember days when you woke up with the excitement of what you will learn today? What adventure excites you when you wake up...
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Your Worst Enemy
Your worst enemy is thinking that you don’t matter, that there is nothing you can do that makes a difference. This thought shuts off your mind and suffocates your soul. Thinking your life doesn’t have meaning or that you don’t mean anything is when something begins to die in you. Here is the truth. Everything you do matters. Everything you cause to happen matters. Everything...
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Never Run Empty
Never run to the bottom of the tank. It is the most dangerous thing that you can do. When you use yourself to the very last drop of energy and willingness, you start using up a precious energy that was not meant to be used. The last drop of energy is a crucial safety reservoir to be retained for self maintenance, to fuel your recovery...
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