Homo Universalis Activates: Becoming A Whole Person
Throughout this Portals adventure we have explored in many ways how to create the inner and outer space that would allow the next phase of universal and human evolution – the future – to appear. It’s time to embrace the bold proposition that evolution has moved forward (and is still doing so) and the future has arrived. Homo sapiens, welcome Homo Universalis, the whole person....
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The Ensoulment Journey
A glance at the headlines and the environmental and cultural upheavals making news around the planet might produce an understandable urge to withdraw, seek refuge, from a world that appears dangerously out of balance. Or at least to seek a developmental experience that generates a sense of sanctuary and safety amid the turmoil and change. What if true transformation and the expression of new universal...
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Conversation, Leadership, and My New Book: Read the Full Interview at The Huffington Post
Good ideas ought to be shared. And if it is a good idea, it will travel far and fast. For that reason I have recently begun to take interviews with individuals who have inquired about transformative leadership strategies, and the interviews are beginning to trickle out now. You may have seen an article last week in Forbes in which I shared my thoughts on conversation frameworks, talked...
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My FORBES interview on leadership, conversation, and dynamic companies
Many of you know that I have invested a lot of time and thought into my recent book, Create New Futures: How Leaders Produce Breakthroughs and Transform the World Through Conversation. This book distills many of my hard won lessons in leadership, business, and relationships into what I hope is an engaging read. While I have not seen the need for a much hyped book tour (I...
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How do transformational leaders help their people?
Transformational leaders, by definition, help their people transform the energy of fear into a forward movement, by turning an uncertainty into a positive course of action. © Aviv Shahar
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How Should Leaders Prepare for The Future?
The future never happens all at once. It unfolds progressively. Work on successive horizons.
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Shanghai leadership workshop
The rewards of working with bright and passionate teams are manifold and the thrill of satisfaction in witnessing the team coming together with energy and excitement about the future they are creating is great. Our work is to help remove the blockages that hold them back, liberate their ideas and talent and help align on a shared vision and strategy. Miracles can be real. They...
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Create Your Narrative
“What’s the best way to excite my team to charge forward?” The young entrepreneur asking the question started a new project. He wanted to help students prepare for the ISEE Test. You can check it out at www.iseepracticetest.com. He felt he needed to focus his team’s attention and create enthusiasm about the opportunity ahead. The business started to pull in cash, and he recognized he...
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Top Pitfalls of Newly Promoted Executives
Here are 10 mistakes newly promoted executives make: Failure to realize you need to shift gears. You need to step back and reconfigure your world while you are accelerating to 180 miles an hour. Trying to keep your former peers as friends. You need to structure a series of individual and team conversations to build new ways of going forward and lead. Being too impressed...
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The Future of Leadership
Here are some highlights about leadership from the Davos Global Shapers panel: The young leaders were asked: What does leadership mean for you? What leadership are you looking for? Their comments about what Leadership is about included the following: Facilitating others in achieving the best results together Bringing forward wisdom and inspiration Creating a culture of mutual support and generosity that allows people to flourish...
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