Aligning Personal and Organization Purpose
Alignment is when people are empowered to bring their passion and creative energy in support of organizational mission and vision. © Aviv Shahar
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Shanghai leadership workshop
The rewards of working with bright and passionate teams are manifold and the thrill of satisfaction in witnessing the team coming together with energy and excitement about the future they are creating is great. Our work is to help remove the blockages that hold them back, liberate their ideas and talent and help align on a shared vision and strategy. Miracles can be real. They...
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The Golden Rule for Learning and Development Professionals
An excerpt from the teleconference: Overcoming Resistance – putting your goals and priorities to action and manifesting your life. In this excerpt we discuss the 90/10 Golden Rule of adults learning and development. © Aviv Shahar
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Best Practices: From Brainstorming To Mind-clustering
Mind-clustering is better than brainstorming. The brain likes to compare and contrast. The mind transcends and includes brain output and more. Here are some best practices to help turn your brainstorming into mind-clustering. Whether what you seek is a future vision or strategic or innovation breakthrough apply and adapt these tips to optimize your session. You are trying to: Download ideas. Generate insight. See the...
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High Performing Teams & Open Ended Questions
Last week I worked with a brilliant team on a strategy for the 2012-13 horizons. They are the best in the world at what they do – the undisputed world champions. You know you are dealing with champions because of what is present at the point of engagement and also because of what is not present. Here are some of the characteristics I observed and...
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The Next Frontier For Leadership Development – The Vitruvian Insight
Most of the currently available training methods in businesses are accented on brain learning. This is evident in the rampant usage of four-quadrant frameworks. There are dozens of strategies based on the four quadrants, the ‘important/urgent’ being one of the most popularized. Many of these are useful but are limited because they miss the insight communicated by The Vitruvian Man drawn by Leonaro da Vinci....
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Unhappiness Epidemic At Work
The Economist writes this week in Hating What You Do about the epidemic of unhappiness at work. It claims “the most obvious reason for the rise in unhappiness is the recession, which is destroying jobs at a startling rate and spreading anxiety throughout the workforce. But the recession is also highlighting longer-term problems.” We find the analysis superficial and narrow minded. The recession is a...
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Mission, Vision & Purpose
Mission describes what ‘business’ you are in. It says what you do, who you do it with, and who you do it for. A Vision is a compelling description of the future and of what you want to become in the future. It is something that excites you and causes you to become mission-ized. It is an inspirational and aspiration-al description of where you want...
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The Executive Rule & The “Middle Line”
CEOs and GMs ask me: can you help us increase revenue and improve the top line? Can you help cut cost and improve the bottom line? My answer is, “yes! We can help you grow your top line! And we can improve your bottom line too!” “How?” they ask. “It’s simple. We will help you improve your top line and your bottom line by focusing...
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Stretch Goals For 21st Century Management
Gary Hamel framed on HBR a list of 25 challenges for 21st century management strategies. Here is the comment I posted with suggested additional challenges: Thank you, Gary. This is a great list! The fulcrum of the 25 points is number 11. “Dramatically reduce the pull of the past.” May I suggest reframing the challenge to say – “Be ready to engage in a newly...
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