The LIBOR Higgs Connection
Connecting the dots and the kaleidoscoping art is a muscle I practice. I watch what appears on the canvas and wonder about the relationships between these seemingly unrelated data points. Connecting the dots, deciphering themes and applying these themes to your work is a critical component in developing your strategic innovation. On July 4th I noted an unusual occurrence. For many days prior to July...
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Reframe The Problem: Why I Left The Limo In Copenhagen & The Garden Hose Insight
Enjoy your Transform-to-Lead Strategy podcast message: To come up with a new solution and create a breakthrough strategy you must first ask a new question. To join our Transform2Lead circle and receive special insights and strategies not available elsewhere email me with subject line – Transform2Lead. © Aviv Shahar
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Mission, Vision & Purpose
Mission describes what ‘business’ you are in. It says what you do, who you do it with, and who you do it for. A Vision is a compelling description of the future and of what you want to become in the future. It is something that excites you and causes you to become mission-ized. It is an inspirational and aspiration-al description of where you want...
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Four Ways To Grow Your Business
Here are the four quadrants we often use in strategy and business development explorations. You can grow in these four ways: Stay within your core. Provide your core products, services and experiences to your current customers. Create new products, services and experiences for your current customers. Find new customers for your current products, services and experiences. Create new products, services and experiences for new customers....
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The Value Of A Strategy Summit
What Executives say about the experience and value of a Strategy Summit… Roger Bhalla Tom Mitchell Carol Hess-Nickels David Conrad Jonathan Kaye Melissa Bargainer Matt Wagner © Aviv Shahar
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Where Do You Start – Life Strategies
Here are three ways to begin—three starting strategies. 1. Fly to the easiest spot 2. Face the toughest part head-on 3. Chunk the whale into parts The first strategy is best applied when you face a new domain or task that may seem difficult at first. This strategy is useful in the following cases: 1. Crossword puzzles 2. Exams 3. Networking a room full of...
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Prepare For The Future – 10 Benefits
Anticipating the future has been a major preoccupation for people from the beginning of time. Creating scenarios as a way to anticipate the future has been popularized in recent decades. We engage in developing scenarios to increase awareness about possible outcomes and to understand the potential costs, benefits and consequences of any decision or action we may take. In a business context, scenario-based planning is...
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The Three Decision Points
Every important decision has to be made three times. If you act on an important decision without a complete journey through the three yeses, your decision and action may not be as intact and strong as it can be. Let’s take the buying of your house for example. First you had the instinctive ‘yes, I like this house’, on your first visit. This first decision...
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Working With “Olympic Champions” – A Consultant Journal
One of the best things about my work is that I meet with brilliant people. They are world class; they are smart and intelligent; the “Olympic Champions” of their field. Real champions love truth, learning, wisdom and growth more than they love their last success. If you show them a way to become even better they will take it any time, any day and without...
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The Strategy Dilemma – Overshooting And Undershooting
I clearly remember my first landing practice in Fighter Pilot course. My flight instructor demonstrated the pattern around the airbase from take off, upwind, crosswind, downwind, base and final approach to landing. He then handed the control over to me. My first approach to landing the plane was a huge overshoot. I was so surprised that in my next attempt, I seriously overcorrected. My second...
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