Cloister for Business Breakthroughs
I enjoyed last week working with a great German team. The leadership team generated new insights, new ideas, and new agreements and created accelerated velocity. We worked in a cloister where Benedict nuns used to work, surrounded by wine country…a great place to create business breakthroughs.
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Developing Your Innovation Portfolio
Discover the three zones you need to address in your innovation portfolio:
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Panama City, Panama
My immersion and acclimatization to Panama City, Panama is through rhythm and is immediate. The Taxi driver who drives me from the airport to the hotel taps the rhythm of the music his radio plays. This is a short work visit and I ask him to take me directly to the Canal. We tour the city and the Panama Canal and we both tap the...
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The Jet d’Eau is located at the point where Lake Geneva empties into the Rhone River. It pumps five hundred liters of water per second, jetted to an altitude of 229 feet. The water leaves the nozzle at a speed of 200 km/h (124 mph). The St. Pierre Cathedral begun under Arducius de Faucigny, the prince-bishop of the Diocese of Geneva, in the 12th century...
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