Great teams encourage and stimulate innovation in each other.
If you have had the experience of working and collaborating
with a team ‘in the zone’ and ‘in the flow’
you know there is nothing else like it. Simply put, it makes
us all greater than we are on our own. The engagement stimulates
the best in us. We enjoy the adventure of creating together
and contributing to the task, and the process energizes us
to rally to the mission. Such experiences of working with
a team leave an indelible memory and knowledge of how innovative,
resourceful and capable we can be in the face of challenges,
setbacks and opportunities. A powerful team that cultivates
a culture of innovation can be the difference between being
in or out of business.
Here are 32 characteristics of innovation. You can use these
to evaluate your organization. Assess these 32 points to identify
strengths and opportunity gaps in the culture of innovation
as it applies to your organization. Rate each of the 32 statements
below on the scale from (1) to (10) — (10) representing
“very much so” or “always” and (1)
representing – “hardly” or “never”.
You can also ask your team members to score the team and use
it to promote a conversation. The statements below represent
an ideal situation. Do not be put off by these. It is meant
to offer opportunity for evaluation against an idealized situation
of superhuman innovators.
Culture of Innovation - An Anatomy
Innovation is more than a creative idea. It is a disciplined process that translates ideas into a meaningful and valuable outcome.
“Thinking Through Problems Differently
Aviv helped our diverse team turbocharge our innovation and new business creation.
Shekhar Mitra Ph.D. Senior Vice President Global R&D, Procter & Gamble
Your leadership retreat and coaching sessions have been central to our breakthrough results – thirty million dollars of new growth for the year.
John Cincotta Director of Sales and Marketing Emeritus Assisted Living
Aviv has been undeniably the most impactful coach I worked with at HP over my 25 year career.
Sam Szteinbaum Chief Learning Officer Hewlett Packard
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