The Three Vectors of Growth

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In this episode, Aviv analyzes the three vectors of growth and development and showcases how they can be leveraged to identify the 'what,' 'how,' and 'from where' priorities. Aviv stresses the importance of building confidence, resilience, and strength within yourself in order to initiate a ruthless self-care protocol. He provides a three-step process by which this can be accomplished. These steps include maximizing your energy, starting every day well, and completing your day with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. Finally, Aviv offers best practices for mapping your growth and development vectors to increase mindfulness and become more self-directed.

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Inspiring Purpose with Matt Carcieri – Episode 71

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In this episode, Aviv and Matt discuss one of the most crucial, yet often overlooked facets of business and life: purpose. Having purpose is at the center of an organization's core beliefs and values and, thus, has a direct correlation to success. Matt expounds on the Five Opportunities of Purpose, which include employee engagement, innovation, societal contribution, brand relevance and consumer attention. He uses case studies from Airbnb, The Walt Disney Company, Zappos, Apple, LEGO and Barbie to amplify the value and importance of being purpose-driven. Matt shares lessons learned from his father, a former corporate executive and two-term governor of Rhode Island, and other mentors that have shaped his journey through business and life. Finally, Matt leaves the audience with some sage advice. He encourages identifying your origin moment, being true to your convictions, and discovering your passions to unlock endless possibilities.

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The Three Mindsets & Your Biggest Choice Ever

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In this episode, Aviv analyzes the three major mindsets and pinpoints how they influence our leadership abilities. These include the mindsets of ‘what’s wrong,’ ‘what works,’ and ‘what matters.’ In identifying these mindsets, Aviv suggests that the second and third mindsets provide a path to multiple blessings and positive energy. They empower us to participate in shaping and creating our own future. Aviv speaks to the pivotal nature of choosing to take personal responsibility. He suggests that the most important choice we can make is to let go of the preoccupation of ‘what’s wrong’ in favor of focusing on ‘what works.’ Finally, Aviv provides seven steps we all can implement in order to abandon the first mindset and apply the second and third mindsets to enrich our lives.

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Leverage Data and The Power of Your Team with Joe Antons – Episode 69

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In this episode, Aviv and Joe expound on the evolution of Silicon Valley from a metadata to a meta-analysis perspective. They dissect the three levels of consciousness in the workplace, which include the structure focus, work focus, and value focus. Among these, value focus is the most critical as it is defined by employees who see themselves through the value they contribute to the organization. Joe shares the two lessons that have been the most beneficial to his career, including leveraging the collective power of teams and understanding client and customer needs.

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The Breakthrough Collaboration Tip

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In this episode, Aviv expounds on the concept of achieving breakthrough collaboration by elevating key partnerships. Aviv reflects on the Partnering TIP, which focuses on trust, imperative and purpose. He introduces a key exercise as well as questions to reflect on while participating in this exercise. Finally, Aviv urges the audience to engage their respective teams in this partnering exercise in order to gain new perspective and actionable insight to their growth opportunities.

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Becoming a Great Operational Leader with Mark Bakker – Episode 67

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In this Episode, Mark highlights his experiences as an Operational Leader. He describes his work with globally diverse teams, with different backgrounds and cultures and how these experiences shaped his leadership style. Mark weaves the story of his formative years which inspired his desire to continue improving processes and finding better solutions for customers and organizations, all of which are factors that have led to his success today. Mark encourages listeners to be customer-driven and discover how they can improve the solutions and services they manage. He reflects on the four elements of an operational leader and the importance of constantly learning.

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Value Defined Work

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In this episode, Aviv reflects on the paradigm shift from a structure-first to a value-first model. Aviv notes that, in the former outdated model, the flow moves from structure to work and from work to value indicating that structure defines work and the work defines value. However, in this new model, which is centered on value, the flow has been reversed and is now initiated by the opportunity to create value. Finally, Aviv poses an intriguing thought experiment and leaves the audience with some sage advice. He urges them to talk to members of their organizations in order to decipher whether their activities are based on structure or value.

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A Near Death Experience – Becoming Yourself with Bill Koenig – Episode 65

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In this episode, Aviv and Bill expound on the differences between leadership competency and leadership capacity. Bill speaks to the profound impact that sports had on his formative years and credits his success today to the experiences he had playing team sports throughout his life. Bill identifies leadership patterns he has witnessed in organizations and cites the Navy Seals as a model of effective shared leadership. Aviv and Bill reflect on the concept of servant leadership. Finally, Bill leaves the audience with some sound advice. He encourages the continual journey of becoming yourself and suggests doing so in the context of continual inquiry and the assimilation of new learning, new models and new opportunities.

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Prioritizing the CEO’s Most Precious Assets

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In this episode, Aviv brings the focus to prioritizing your most precious assets and resources – energy, time and focus. Aviv reflects on the three realizations that occur when you apply these resources effectively and provides personal examples of how he and his clients have arrived at these realizations. Finally, Aviv illustrates how the Impact-Must-Energy (IME) Priority Setting Formula can be utilized to identify where you can make the highest impact, which priorities you must complete, and what revitalizes and renews your energy.

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SYNC’d with Cathy Sunshine – Episode 63

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In this episode, Aviv and Cathy expound on powerful insights highlighted in SYNC'd. Cathy speaks to her strategy of making bold promises to customers and delivering on those promises. She identifies three critical propellants for organizational success, which include customer, structure and throughput. Aviv and Cathy reflect on the concept of ranked advantage design structure and its impact within an organization. Finally, Cathy leaves the audience with some sage advice. She proposes that organizations redesign themselves using reverse flow, a concept that suggests building a culture that frees individuals to embrace new information and practice what they do best.

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