The Six Failures

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In this episode, Aviv reflects on the idea that failure oftentimes can be a great teacher. He identifies and analyzes six categories of failure. These include failure to achieve a goal, failure to apply learning, failure to be present, failure to recognize opportunities, failure to hold on to your own values and morals, and failure to forgive. Finally, he expounds on the ways in which learning from failure can catalyze change and help create new futures.

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The Capacity to Lead with Astrid Hartmann – Episode 61

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Astrid Hartmann is the Senior Vice President and Managing Director of Lufthansa Global Business Services, an organization that manages the finance, HR, revenue accounting and procurement globally for all of Lufthansa Group companies. She previously held multiple senior management positions at Hewlett-Packard. During her time at Lufthansa, Astrid has driven tremendous revenue growth, infused performance and improvement culture and dramatically improved customer satisfaction. Astrid is a smart and curious executive who creates infectious energy through her ability to mobilize large-scale change and motivate her teams to exceed their objectives.

In this episode, Aviv and Astrid discuss Astrid’s journey to executive leadership positions within top performing global companies. She reflects on how she approaches challenges as well as her views on leadership. Aviv and Astrid also talk passionately about the current state of women in business and the strides that must still occur. Astrid speaks to the importance of delegating as it pertains to effective leadership. Finally, Aviv stresses the importance of surrounding yourself with the best talent, developing a shared vision for the future, and building strategic momentum.

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The 72 Hour Rule Revisited and OKRs

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In this episode, Aviv revisits the 72-Hour Rule which suggests that in order to truly learn a new practice, one must go through four stages. These stages include receiving new knowledge, understanding and validating the practice learned, applying the learning and, finally, teaching that new practice to everyone in your environment. Aviv stresses the importance of acting immediately in order to maximize the learning and development cycle. Finally, Aviv discusses the benefits of operating in the aerobic flow zone, the dangers of delay tactics and the value of shrinking the 72-hour rule to 72 minutes.

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Bill Fox Interviews Aviv

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In this very special episode, Aviv switches roles and becomes the interviewee as Bill Fox asks poignant questions on leadership, vision, and innovation. Aviv lists the seven evolutionary developmental blockages that we as a society have overcome. He talks about the importance of conversation and the impact they can ultimately have on creating new and exciting futures. Finally, Aviv urges the audience to appreciate how precious life is and challenges them to seize every opportunity life has to offer.

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5 Fuels to Power Your Mastery Journey

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In this episode, Aviv provides his insights on the mastery journey as we close the loop on the two-episode series on mastery. In a recent episode, entitled 'How to Reach Mastery,' we looked at what the best CEOs do to lead their teams along the three-legged journey to reach mastery. In this part, we further the reflection on this topic by dissecting the five fuels that power and propel individuals into their mastery journey. We discover that, individually, these fuels aren't enough. We need to combine a multitude of these drivers in order to achieve mastery. Finally, Aviv asserts that working to build critical readiness for mastery is a fantastically rewarding and meaningful journey.

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Smile, Dare, Win with Rebecca Kehat – Episode 57

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Rebecca Kehat is an entrepreneur, strategic consultant, global marketing expert, public speaker and mentor for startups. She previously held senior management positions at Google, Bank Hapoalim and Procter & Gamble. Today, she is the CEO of Unicorp, a consulting firm specializing in innovation and offering platform monetization and global marketing and advertising strategies and solutions. In 2012, she was chosen by the prestigious Israeli business magazine, The Marker, as one of forty top Israeli talents under forty.

In this episode, Aviv and Rebecca discuss her career trajectory, from serving in the Israeli Army and working at Google, to the mentorship program she participates in today. Rebecca shares how she discovered her strengths and core competencies and how the term ‘Rebecca Power’ originated. She talks about the importance of balance in life and reveals her triangle theory of balance. Rebecca leaves the audience with two key pieces of advice that have helped her tremendously throughout her career. She urges them to be aware and intentional. Finally, Aviv stresses the importance of building transferable skills, being intentional about your career, and growing and expanding a network of trustworthy people.

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The Anatomy of Flow

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In this episode, Aviv discusses the anatomy of flow and bringing focus to the aerobic zone of productivity. Aviv views himself as a conduit of service. He recalls a recent conversation he had about his secret to productivity. The realization was that there is no secret. Productivity is a product of developing readiness and building a capacity to act. This occurs best in a state of creative flow.

Aviv breaks down three broad opportunity fields. Field A involves serving creative opportunities. Field B is centered on serving close family, friends, and others that Aviv cares about. Lastly, Field C focuses on serving others who do not fall under the category of Field B. These include clients and organizations that Aviv serves.

Aviv talks about the importance of seizing opportunity, finding new capabilities and creating innovative solutions. Finally, Aviv challenges listeners to identify their opportunity fields, discover their creative aerobic zone, and remove obstacles and resistance in order to enter the flow.

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Gratitude and Learning with Suzanne Bates – Episode 55

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Suzanne Bates is the CEO of Bates, a firm founded with a mission to help leaders influence the world. Suzanne and her team assist global companies by bringing differentiated experience to leadership development and providing groundbreaking strategies to help leaders make an impact. She is a five-time best-selling author with works that include Speak Like a CEO, Motivate Like a CEO, Discover Your CEO Brand, and All the Leader You Can Be. Prior to launching her consulting firm, Suzanne led a successful career as a television journalist. Her years as an on-air personality with major market television stations put her at the center of major news stories and afforded her the opportunity to interview thousands of political leaders, CEOs, businesspeople, authors and celebrities. As an expert in business and leadership, Suzanne has grown her entrepreneurial portfolio to include consulting, writing, coaching and public speaking. She is insightful, witty, and possesses a practical approach in all of her business ventures.

In this episode, Suzanne and Aviv talk about Suzanne's background in journalism, business, and leadership. As a journalist for twenty years prior to branching out as an entrepreneur, Suzanne identifies the key transferable skills that aided in her business success. As a leadership consultant, Suzanne shares how she works with clients to help them develop executive presence. She defines executive presence as the behaviors and qualities of leaders that engage, align, inspire and move people to act. When you engage others and provide them the opportunity and the reason to give more of themselves, you fortify them with meaning and purpose. Suzanne and Aviv also talk about the importance of maintaining focus in order to be a truly impactful leader. It is vital for leaders to know when to effectively delegate, when to delete, and when to delay. Finally, Suzanne discusses the value she places on cultivating and practicing gratitude. By celebrating and appreciating the small victories, Suzanne is better able to accomplish the bigger moments of success. These include overcoming challenge and exploring for new learnings beyond what you already know.

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Stop Eroding Your Potential for Greatness

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In this episode, Aviv discusses the concept of greatness and, more specifically, how to avoid eroding the potential for greatness. In order to accomplish this, Aviv poses three questions to define what greatness is, how it can be eroded and what actions can prevent that outcome. Aviv identifies the three behaviors that erode the potential for greatness and provides practical antidotes to help avoid these. Aviv also shares the three octaves that converge in order to manifest greatness: the person, the platform and the purpose. When these three factors resonate with one another and produce a steady flow, the conditions for greatness are in place. Greatness requires focus, consistency, devotion to purpose, care and forbearance. Greatness can be found in sports teams, Broadway casts, organizational and professional teams, and a myriad of other areas. In these examples, a cohesive effort brings everyone together in a sense of unity and a shared purpose that allows individuals to transcend their egos and galvanizes them towards achieving that goal. Finally, Aviv challenges leaders to unlock the potential for greatness by celebrating the diversity of talent and by facilitating organizational alignment.

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The Spirit of Defiance

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In this episode, Aviv talks with Harry Duran, founder and CEO at Fullcast, a podcasting production company that helps prospective podcasters develop and cultivate their shows. Aviv starts off the episode by discussing the three value propositions that he provides in both his book Create New Futures as well as his podcast of the same name. Aviv delves deep into the metaphysical theory of the Three Big Bangs and provides insight as to how the Internet is serving and enabling the third Big Bang. Aviv explains the four levels of conversation and the inherent differences between them. Low-level conversations lead to more conflict, strife and misunderstanding, whereas other conversations provide the appropriate framework necessary to enable broader and more enlightened consciousness. Aviv provides insights into his personal background, including two formative influences that changed the way Aviv lived life. Aviv shares the profound lesson he learned while working in leadership development. Finally, Aviv discusses the enjoyment he gets from the discovery journey that has enabled him to meet and learn from fascinating people.

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