Rituals – The Magnifying Glass
Curiosity & Compassion with Dov Baron – Episode 77
[spp-player url="https://play.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/12730379/height/192/theme/modern/size/large/thumbnail/yes/custom-color/33497b/time-start/00:00:00/playlist-height/200/direction/backward/download/yes/font-color/FFFFFF" social="false"]In this episode, Aviv and Dov expound on the concepts of conscious and authentic leadership, mental and emotional hygiene, and fierce loyalty. Aviv and Dov explore the elements of enlightened leadership and the importance of leaders not only reflecting on strategies but taking action to implement these strategies. Dov shares his perspective on generational tendencies and the importance of vulnerability and intimacy as it pertains to leadership. Finally, Dov poses some thought-provoking experiments for the audience, including asking them to reflect on what they imagine will be said in their eulogy.